| НАЧАЛО | Художники Брестчины | |
Художники Брестчины
We've got something to be proud of!
Dear Reader, you hold in your hands the 2-nd edition of the illustrated album «Artists of the Brest region», considerably updated and enlarged in comparison with the first one, issued to the 50-th anniversary of the Brest regional branch of the Belarusian Artists Union (1997).
This time, the album presents, alongside with the members of creative Union, the young artists, for whom the introduction into the great art is still to come. Today the artists of the Brest region — both veterans, middle-age generation, and quite young, not overburden by the load of the bygone ideological dogmas, — though in different ways, but still together, creatively elaborate the space of spiritual cosmos of our complicated being. In this sense the Berestje land is unique due to its traditions and established creative dynasties, which become a binding bridge between past, present and future. And in its turn this calls admiration and indisputable respect for these people — loyal to their trade, to themselves, denying a momentary pursuit for an illusive fashion. And at the same time it is necessary to note the breadth of new searches, of colour melodies and rhythms, of plastic systems that are typical of the artists of the Brest region.
But the main issue that unites the creators, irrespective of their age, life experience, professional belonging to this or that kind of art, is their love for the land, on which they live, the desire to see the surrounding world in its full complexity and magnificence, profoundly personal attitudes to the phenomena of life.
The connection between creators and audience, though usually «distant», become more and more intimate, and expressive testimony to this are international and regional open-airs, numerous exhibitions in the Brest region and beyond its borders, creative work on aesthetic shaping of appearances of our cities, villages etc.
Today, the independent Belarus experiences stormy processes of cultural regeneration of the society. And in these processes an artist plays one of the leading parts.
As for me, I am neither an art reviewer nor an art critic, being an economist by education. But I understand: no economic transformation or reforms could be perfect without preserving and developing spiritual culture of the nation. And in this respect, executive authorities of the Brest region try to promote in every possible way the flourishing of the national culture, which, as a whole, is a reflection of the policy of our state conducted out by the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. One of demonstrative examples to this became recent opening of a new unique art museum (comprising 11 halls!) located in the restored building of southern barracks of the Brest Hero-Fortress. This action is outstanding not only for public and cultural life of our region, but for the country as a whole.
We would also like to support the initiative of our regional branch of the Union of Artists in respect to building-up an Artist House in Brest, with modern exhibition halls, creative workshops, design-studios and so forth. I hope that before long this project will be realized and this act will make one more precious gift both to artists, to the Brest region dwellers, and to all true admirers of arts.

We can be pardonably proud of our artists' creative work results. And we always remember those who were before us, who passed away earlier, who by their creative activities contributed their precious stones to the beautiful building of the Belarusian national art, those who have brought up more than one generation of people in the spirit of beauty, life-asserting, humanism, high morality — and this is, as you undoubtedly agree, is invaluable.
Ars longa, vita brevis, as the ancients put it. And it is true, our descendants will judge how we lived in our days, what kind of dreams, what feelings we had, what our hearts aspired to by the fine art works. And in this sense the artists are under timeless obligations. Their obligations are to the future, and for the future they are obliged to leave their imperishable heritage, their prints on earth.
V. B. Dolgolyov, Chairman of the Brest Region Executive Committee

Худохники Брестчины

Иван Хомич

Анатолий Хвисевич

Анастасия Фетисова

Иван Фетисов

Александр Фалей

Владимир Тулупов

Юрий Татарников

Геннадий Сурма

Владимир Сторчаков

Леонид Соловьев
Художники Брестчины
We’ve got something to be proud of!
| НАЧАЛО | Художники Брестчины | |
